The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Wikberg, Eva
Funded by
Male mammals compete for mates and disperse from their natal group (i.e.. the group where they were born) to increase access to unrelated mates and to decrease the risk of competing against male kin. However. males in some species form tolerant and cooperative bonds. but for most species. we still have a poor understanding what facilitates the formation of such strong male bonds. This research study will investigate the links between dispersal patterns. kinship. mediating behaviors.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Frantz, Douglas
Funded by
To develop therapeutic approaches for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. this project brings together researchers with multidisciplinary and complementary expertise in theoretical and computational biophysics (PI Vashisth. UNH). biophysical chemistry and NMR spectroscopy (co-PI Varga. UNH). and small- molecule drug discovery (co-PI Doug E. Frantz. UTSA). The partnership and collaboration are timely and strategic in that the first experimental structure of the protease enzyme and its potential inhibitors have just been reported. Dr.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Pozzi, Luca
Penna, Anna
Funded by
The Linnean Society of London
Background: Species are often distributed discontinuously across their total geographic range. Understanding how these patterns originated is a major question in systematics and biogeography. Habitat fragmentation has often been invoked to explain population isolation. which. over prolonged periods of time. can lead to speciation [1]. One example of a region where species patterns may have been shaped by historical habitat fragmentation is the humid Guineo-Congolean evergreen and semi-evergreen forests of West and West-central Africa. In this region.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Engelberth, Jurgen
Funded by
US Dept of Agriculture LOC
Green leaf volatiles (GLV) have been mostly associated with the regulation of defense responses. in particular defense priming. in plants. However. we found that GLV are also regulators of abiotic stress responses and for example protect against cold stress damage. Plants that were treated with GLV at physiological concentrations showed less cold damage and retained normal growth while untreated plants showed severe damage and growth reduction under the same conditions. We have further identified GLV- and cold-inducible sets of genes. which appear to be involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Wang, Hua-Yu
Funded by
4E Therapeutics, Inc.
Through this research project. The CIDD will work closely with 4E Therapeutics to prepare a sufficient number of structural analogs to support the goals of the research.The CIDD will provide synthesis support to 4E Therapeutics to prepare and characterize compounds to support the program goals.All novel compound design.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Macpherson, Lindsey
Funded by
Brain Health Topic: Vagal signaling between the gut and the CNS contributes to appetite regulation. inflammation and immune responses. gastrointestinal motility. nausea. emesis. and even mood1-6 . Therefore. vagal neurons are an attractive target for medical interventions. Since vagal signaling may be modulated within the digestive tract. drugs need not cross the blood-brain barrier. reducing potential side effects and toxicity. To eventually identify potentially drug-able targets within the vagus to improve mental and digestive health.