Facilitated By

San Antonio Medical Foundation


UT Health San Antonio

The UT Health San Antonio, with missions of teaching, research and healing, is one of the country’s leading health sciences universities.

Principal Investigator(s)
Li, Rong
Funded by
Research Start Date

The majority of breast cancer cases are estrogen receptor (ER?)-positive. While hormonal therapyimproves clinical outcomes for about half of patients with ER?-positive breast cancer, de novo or acquiredresistance represents a significant clinical challenge. Among several underlying mechanisms, hot-spot pointmutants of ER? are known to confer therapeutic resistance due to their estrogen-independent transcriptionalactivity. Thus, mitigating aberrant transcription activity of these ER? mutants holds promise for overcomingtherapeutic resistance in treatment of ER?-positive breast cancer. As the second member of the ER family,ER? is capable of interfering with ER? activity through heterodimerization and/or competing for commonchromatin binding sites. This ER?-interfering function of ER? could be utilized to overcome the activity oftherapeutically resistant ER? mutants. However, clinical feasibility of this approach is vastly under-explored, aslittle is known about how ER?-interfering activity of ER? is mobilized. Our preliminary work discovered a functionally important phosphotyrosine switch in ER?. Specifically,we found that unphosphorylated ER? is particularly potent in heterodimerization and functional interferencewith ER?. We therefore hypothesize that unphosphorylated ER? in ER?-positive breast cancer can helpovercome ER? mutant-mediated therapeutic resistance. We further envision that pharmacological agentsthat fine-tune the phosphotyrosine status of ER? could be clinically useful in stimulating its ER?-interferingactivity. We will test this novel hypothesis through two Specific Aims. First, we will use in vitro and patient-derived xenograft models to determine the impact of ER? phosphorylation status on ER?-mediated therapeuticresistance. Second, we will use molecular and pharmacological tools to elucidate the mechanism by whichER? phosphorylation status regulates the ER?/? crosstalk. The concept of overcoming therapeutic resistance by rallying a particular form of ER? represents anovel concept. Furthermore, because the inhibitor of the upstream kinase for the phosphotyrosine switch isclinically available and ER?-specific agonists are well tolerated in humans, our work provides multipledruggable targets for fine-tuning ER? activities and imminent translatability for treating ER?-positive breastcancer. Our proposed study promises both conceptual and translational advances in understanding of how toovercome therapeutic resistance to hormonal therapy, a pressing clinical challenge in breast cancer treatment.

Collaborative Project
Basic Research