Dr. Sparks serves as Senior Biotechnology Patent Counsel Emeritus for the University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures Group, and previously served ...
- RenovaCare, Inc. (OTCMKTS:RCAR) Files An 8-K Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
- Prominent Pornography Researcher Frames Defamation Claims As Sexual Harassment ...
... while Prause, a former UCLA researcher who founded and heads the sexual biotechnology company Liberos, tends to take a more sanguine view. ... A U.T. spokesperson told the San Antonio Express News the university has no ...
- Drugs on a coil free patients from the burden of taking pills for treating infectious diseases
As a biomedical engineer at MIT, I am developing technologies that make it easier for patients to complete their treatment for infectious diseases by ...
- Julián Castro's Troubling Record in San Antonio
The road to get there started at the San Antonio city council, which Julián ..... energy “what Silicon Valley is to software and what Boston is to biotech.
- Learning the ropes at Fairchild's STEM Camp
In the Biotech school, some students designed DNA necklaces and others worked with hydroponic plants — grown without soil but with mineral water.