The lab uses mice to study human disease and illness and breeds specialty strains of mice for biomedical research around the world. ___. Information ...
- Maine laboratory hires more people, increases starting wage
- Temple Bioscience Institute seniors honored
Texas Bioscience Institute seniors received silver honor cords during a .... of Texas at San Antonio) and Kelsie Watson (Tarleton State University).
- Multifamily Ramps Up As Relocations Mount
Much of San Antonio's latest business growth is also due to technology. Biotech specifically, is on the rise within the city's tech and healthcare ...
- New Protein Observed To Be Cause For Leukemia
The findings of the study was published in the journal of Nature Biomedical Engineering. The protein observed can help many different hospitals ...
- CSU hires first chief medical research officer
Prior to joining TMI, Pidcoke also served as chief medical officer of Cellphire Inc., a biotechnology company focused on developing freeze-dried blood ...