As one of the world’s leading independent biomedical research institutions, Texas Biomedical Research Institute is dedicated to advancing the health of our global community through innovative biomedical research.
Principal Investigator(s)
Schlesinger, Larry S
Funded by
Kronkosky Charitable Foundation
The purpose of this grant is for the purchase of a Confocal Microscope for Core Research Support project.
As one of the world’s leading independent biomedical research institutions, Texas Biomedical Research Institute is dedicated to advancing the health of our global community through innovative biomedical research.
Principal Investigator(s)
Schlesinger, Larry S
Funded by
National Institutes of Health
The major goal is to increase primate holding capacity for the P51 base grant.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Apicella, Alfonso
Muzzio, Isabel
Funded by
Natl Inst of Health
Cortical function is characterized by the dynamic interplay of two major forces: excitation and inhibition. A current belief is that dysfunction of inhibition. mediated by local GABAergic interneurons. leads to a wide range of neurological diseases such as epilepsy. autism. schizophrenia. PTSD. A well-established principle of the cortical circuit organization is that inhibition is local while excitation is both local and long-range; however. this ignores that inhibition may be long-range as well.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Romero Uribe, Gabriela
Funded by
Natl Inst of Health
Cell-type specific manipulation of neural circuits is required for the treatment of neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. Precise control of neural circuits will enable the development of neuromodulation therapies for these debilitating conditions. Existing technologies to control neural activity offer limited possibilities.
The University of Texas at San Antonio is an emerging Tier One research institution with nearly 29,000 students.
Principal Investigator(s)
Perry, George
Plascencia Villa, German
Funded by
Univ of TX HSC at Houston 744
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is increasing in number as the U.S. and global population gets older. Despite enormous effort and expense. treatment remains at best modestly effective and no new drugs have been approved since 2003 [1.2]. The increasing interest in drug discovery through repositioning old drugs for new therapeutic applications throw light in the treatment for neurodegenerative diseases including AD [3].
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied research and development (R&D) organizations in the United States.
Principal Investigator(s)
Dr. Jonathan Bohmann
Funded by
Medical CBRN Defense Consortium
Collaborating Institutions
University of Pittsburgh
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Medical CBRN Defense Consortium
Southwest Research Institute has received funding from the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) administered by Advanced Technology International to develop a nerve agent antidote for emergency use on the battlefield or to protect public health.
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied research and development (R&D) organizations in the United States.
Principal Investigator(s)
Dr. Joe McDonough
Funded by
San Antonio Partnership for Precision Therapeutics
Collaborating Institutions
The University of Texas at San Antonio
UT Health San Antonio
Texas Biomedical Research Institute
Leaders of the newly-established San Antonio Partnership for Precision Therapeutics (SA PPT) have awarded the partnership’s first research grant. A seven-person team researching sepsis-induced organ failure will receive $200,000 in funding over two years. The award’s purpose is to advance research and breakthroughs in precision therapeutics, which is the development of drug therapies for specific populations based on genetics, lifestyle and environment.
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied research and development (R&D) organizations in the United States.
Collaborating Institutions
UT Health San Antonio)
Texas Biomedical Research Institute (Texas Biomed)
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
Presidents of San Antonio’s four largest research institutions today announced they are providing $800,000, collectively, for a major initiative in precision therapeutics. The process of precision therapeutics ultimately leads to breakthrough treatments that can be individualized to specific patient populations.